The April 2021 Commercial Real Estate Investing Newsletter

Victory Day For Vijay And Sumeet

We nterview Vijay and Sumeet on their victory in buying four mobile home parks in less than one year. Discussions will include how they found each property, how they financed them, what the turn-around plan was, lessons learned, amount of time spent in managing them, and related topics that will be greatly of interest in evaluating whether or not to invest in mobile home parks.

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 192 - Before You Pull The Trigger On Closing

The slang term for signing the documents and closing on a mobile home park is often called “pulling the trigger”. It’s a major commitment and one that can create angst with many buyers who are concerned if they are making the right decision. So what are the key factors that must be aligned to feel good about making this big step?

Listen To Episode 192

Is Your RV Park Glass Half Empty Or Half Full?

We’ve all heard the rhetorical question: “is the glass half empty or half full”? It represents two different perceptions: 1) optimism or 2) pessimism. It’s a fact that most people fall into one of these two camps. Of course, both have their benefits for self-preservation, but it can also hurt your ability to buy an RV park if you listen to only that one portion of your personality and not moderate it with other viewpoints.

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The Healthy Approach To RV Park Problems

Every RV park owner will have a problem at some point. It may be minor like not being able to decide between two different banks on a loan, or it may be major like a flood or a reduction in revenue due to road construction. But how we approach problems is extremely important. Many of the top business people in U.S. history saw problems as learning experiences to shape and improve their finances. They did not fear problems but they embraced them. And this is a much more healthy approach.

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Can Creative Financing Cure All Problems With Your Storage Deal?

Many a self-storage deal has been saved through creative seller financing. This is the concept in which the seller offers great lending terms to the buyer that offset the other drawbacks. So how can you make a deal work with seller financing that would not work without it?

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Why Do Mobile Home Park Managers Fail And How Can You Minimize The Risks?

No mobile home park can be successful without a competent manager. A manager serves as your eyes and ears in the field, as well as your problem-solver, ambassador and mayor all rolled into one. Since the manager is such an essential role, every community owner should focus on what can go wrong and how to mitigate that risk.

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When A Master Lease With Option Is – And Is Not – A Good Solution

There’s a unique strategy that has been used to construct clever mobile home park deals over the decades, but it rarely gets much notoriety. The name of this strategy is a “master lease with option” and it can be a win/win for many situations – as well as the worst idea ever in other circumstances. So what is a “master lease with option”, how does it work, and when is it a good or bad idea?

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Learning From Unhappy Customers

Bill Gates once said “your most unhappy customers are your greatest sense of learning”. It’s an unusual adage from someone who held a virtual monopoly over the personal computer for decades, but this mantra is true for all industries. So what can you learn from unhappy customers, and how can you make them happy again?

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Finding Peace Of Mind In Third Party Reports On Your Self-Storage Deal

We all hate spending money, but sometimes the cost is offset by having greater confidence in your deal – all the way to the point of having the guts to pull the trigger and sign the closing documents. And the source of much of this confidence are third-party reports. While many of these are bank requirements, others are simply the smart way to proceed even with seller financing. So what are these third-party reports that are a big part of buying any self-storage facility?

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Which Management Software Should You Use For Your Mobile Home Park?

One of the most frequent questions we receive is “what software do you recommend using for mobile home park management”? This is a simple question for us to answer, as we have been using Rent Manager for over a decade, and selected them for a variety of reasons.

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RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 25 - The Dangers of Bad Employees

In a modern America there is nothing more dangerous from a liability perspective than having employees. While they can create value, they can also be a toxic danger to your business. In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss the perils of having bad employees and the damage they can do to your business, as well as strategies to mitigate this risk.

Listen To Episode 25

Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 21 - Should You Ask For Forgiveness Or Permission?

There are two ways to approach any problem: to ask permission or to ask forgiveness. So which is the better choice? In this Billboard Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss when to choose one over the other, and what the ramifications are of that selection.

Listen To Episode 21

Self Storage University Podcast: Episode 23 - Why You Can’t Fully Delegate Your Diligence

Buying a self-storage facility is a very important decision. Due diligence is an essential part of the effort to make sure it’s a success. But some buyers try to delegate this work to others.

Listen To Episode 23

Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 191 - The Issues With Being One Platted Tract Of Land

The definition of a mobile home park is “two or more mobile homes on one platted piece of property”. Of course, with just two people on one tract, that would not be too complicated, but the reality is typically 50 to 100 households or more, and that can create issues. In this Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review what the key problems can be and how to mitigate these issues.

Listen To Episode 191

"In Alabama, The Tuscaloosa" - Groucho Marx, 1930

Much of the Southeastern U.S. has not been taken seriously by mobile home park buyers – or commercial real estate investors, in general – for decades. Even Groucho Marx made jokes about the region in 1930. But all that is changing now.

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Self Storage University Podcast: Episode 22 - When Dust Gathers On A Deal, The Options Become More Interesting

Some self-storage deals sell quickly, and others fester for years. What can be done to craft great acquisitions out of these older offerings that have gathered dust? That’s the focus of this Self-Storage University podcast in which we discuss what makes deals sit without movement, and what the potential options are to forge a successful purchase.

Listen To Episode 22

RV Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 24 - Understanding The Impact of Inflation on RV Park Investing

There is continual talk of greater inflation on the horizon, which then begs the question “what would the potential impact be to RV parks?” In this RV Park Mastery podcast we’re going to review what inflation would do to RV park investing – both good and bad – and what investors can do to mitigate the risks. With the government continually printing more money, it’s a topic that should be on all RV park investors’ minds.

Listen To Episode 24

Billboard Mastery Podcast: Episode 20 - Rules of Thumb When Buying An Existing Sign

There are two ways to get into the billboard business: 1) build a sign or 2) buy an existing sign. There are significant differences in these two options. In this Billboard Mastery podcast we’re going to discuss the key things to know about buying an existing sign and how to mitigate your risk when doing so.

Listen To Episode 20